I want to tell you about a skill that can give you greater
power to succeed in all aspects of your life. It is the skill
of learning to see something in a different way.

Often when clients are frustrated, disappointed, or even
angry about something that is happening in their business,
their job or their relationships, it comes down to a core issue:

They think their view is the only right or worthwhile view.

I see with my clients, my colleagues and even with myself,
the frustrations come when we are convinced that the person
or the situation “should” be different. If the situation or the
person doesn’t fit the picture we have created, we get upset.

In reality, the person or the situation can be very frustrating
or even wrong. But if you can take yourself out of the box of
the way you want it to be and accept the way that it is,
even temporarily, you can start opening up new solutions.

W.E.B. DuBois shows us the value of
giving up our own point of view:

“The most important thing to remember is this:
To be ready at any moment to give up what
you are for what you might become.”

Whatever you think you are now,
you have the potential to become something more.
The first step is to begin to let go of your own point of view.

The key to becoming more successful…more satisfied…to open the
way for more change in your business, your life, your relationships
is to open the way for new information and other points of view.

I was quite surprised when I started practicing this skill
myself to see how attached I was to my own point of view.

How about you?

I am happy to report both for my clients and myself, that
this skill has made our lives more interesting and surprising.

Practice changing your mind this week especially
when you feel stuck,frustrated or disappointed.