In recent newsletters, I have suggested that before you start
making efforts to accomplish you new goals for 2016, you
need to affirm your strengths and reflect on your personal
mission and the quality of your values and your journey.

How are these efforts going?

One of the main reasons these assessments are important
is to lay a foundation of positive strengths and values
before you start to tackle new challenges and changes.

At this point in your efforts to accomplish your new goals,
it would be a good time to begin to ask yourself some
of the more difficult questions “to get you there”.
What strengths can I use?
What are my liabilities?
What am I willing to do to accomplish these goals?
What am I willing to give up to accomplish these goals?
What do “I” really want?
What are my main fears and concerns about all of the above?

Thaddeus Golas explains why it is so important
to honestly assess where you are now:

“…To get your attitude straight before your make a change…
because you take yourself with you wherever you go.”

It is often not easy to answer these questions yourself
because it may be hard to be objective. But it is easier
than you think when you are working with someone who can give
you the confidence to see your limiting beliefs and patterns.

It is interesting to see the solutions that open up when
clients start to look at what they have been avoiding.
This new confidence encourages them to take steps that
create a different kind of success and satisfactions.

Let’s start with a
Complimentary Discovery Session
in your business, your job or your relationship.
Even in just one session, you may be surprised to
find new answers to the above questions to get you
started on a new direction to accomplish you goals.

Find the Keys to Unlock your Power for
New Financial, Professional and Life Success.

Looking forward to connecting in the future.

Louise Cohen