New Strategies to Create Success for Corporations, Teams and Individuals

  • Have you realized the power of your conversation to create success?
  • Have you realized that often the words you use and the way you speak can limit your success?
  • Have you wondered why?

Conversational Intelligence® is a revolutionary program using neuroscience and practical strategies to create success and transformation for organizations, teams and individuals.


Whether applied to individual CEO’S, Executive leaders, Teams or Organizations; the Conversations Intelligence Program offers strategies that establish high levels of trust, open up creative problem solving and trigger growth and innovation to create lasting success.

The CONVERSATIONAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM will explore strategies and tools that can be practiced by anyone and are built for the unique needs of your company, your teams or your own growth as a leader.

What are the Key Results and Benefits of the Program?

  • To learn a new framework for communication that shapes your organizational relationships, your partnerships and your company culture in a way that creates a new lasting success for the future.
  • To practice listening to connect instead of listening to understand or confirm what you know.
  • To explore Rules of Engagement for Teams to teach them how to verbalize and co-create together how they want to talk to each other, listen and treat each other for mutual success.
  • To learn skills that build Conversational Agility which elevate the communication abilities of everyone involved especially when you are dealing with difficult subjects.
  • To learn what conversations open up or close down our brain which effects our creative problem solving.
  • To learn the strategies in your conversation for Up-Regulating: including, appreciating, expanding, discovering, developing and celebrating which create both organizational and individual success.
  • To learn how to “ask questions for which you have no answers” – This opens the way for a mindset of discovery for everyone in the conversation instead of putting them on guard.
  • To learn strategies to establish a foundation of Trust. This has shown proven success to change our mindset and shift and shape our experiences into more productive, innovative and co-creative results.
  • To learn about the incredible case histories of success that Judith Glaser experienced from her development of her Conversational Intelligence@ program with Global Multi-Billion Dollar Corporations, CEO’s, Companies and Individuals.
About The Program
  • Series of Consults for CEO’S & Business Owners to explore Conversational Intelligence strategies and tools that will contribute to your own new development to become a more innovative leader for your organization. This can open the way for surprising new ways to create present and future success.
  • Workshops for Teams or Employees to enable them to develop new skills and strengths to contribute to greater success for the organization and satisfaction for your Teams or Employees.
  • Series of Consults for Individual Professionals to explore and develop your leadership strategies for new success in your own career.

Conversational Intelligence Coaching Programm

These skills and strategies have developed out of an extensive training I completed as a Core Practitioner of Conversational Intelligence ® directly with Judith Glaser and her team.

Book by Judith E. Glaser, “Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results”.2014